Voicio Mobile Wireframes

Voicio is an AI assistant for plumbers - your personal assistant that answers your calls and schedules your appointments! This intelligent assistant is designed to help you manage your plumbing business with ease and efficiency.With its advanced natural language processing (NLP) technology, the AI assistant can understand and respond to customer queries in a human-like way, ensuring that your customers receive the best possible service.

It can also schedule appointments with customers based on your availability and preferences, ensuring that your schedule stays organized and on track.The AI assistant can also provide you with real-time updates on new appointments, cancellations, or rescheduling requests, so you can always stay on top of your schedule.

Additionally, it can automatically send appointment reminders to your customers via SMS or email, reducing the chances of no-shows or missed appointments.With the AI assistant for plumbers, you can focus on what you do best - providing excellent plumbing services to your customers - while the assistant takes care of the rest. Say goodbye to missed calls and scheduling conflicts, and hello to a more organized and efficient plumbing business.




Research, User Testing, Prototyping, UI Design



The Problem

Cyber security teams are so overwhelmed and reactive that they cannot apply their expertise in a scalable and measurable way. Product and services vendors try to solve this problem by adding more alerts and more point-in-time assessments, none of which materially improves an organization’s defenses.

Bionic addresses this disparity not by adding more tools and detections, but by making defenders the best they can be through collaborative automation. Our assistive technology gives defenders “superpowers” by providing actionable insights, tailored recommendations, and coaching on a sustained basis.

Cyber security teams are so overwhelmed and reactive that they cannot apply their expertise in a scalable and measurable way. Product and services vendors try to solve this problem by adding more alerts and more point-in-time assessments, none of which materially improves an organization’s defenses.

Bionic addresses this disparity not by adding more tools and detections, but by making defenders the best they can be through collaborative automation. Our assistive technology gives defenders “superpowers” by providing actionable insights, tailored recommendations, and coaching on a sustained basis.

Sending A message

Overall, the use of components in React can lead to a more modular, reusable, and maintainable codebase, which can save time and resources during development and improve the user experience of the application.

  1. Reusability: Components can be reused across different parts of the application, which saves development time and reduces code duplication.

  2. Modularity: Components are modular and self-contained, meaning that they can be developed and tested independently of the rest of the application. This makes it easier to maintain and update the codebase.

  3. Encapsulation: Components are encapsulated, meaning that they have their own state and behavior, and do not affect the state or behavior of other components. This makes it easier to reason about the code and reduces the risk of bugs.

  4. Consistency: Components can enforce consistency in the design and functionality of the application, making it easier to maintain a consistent user experience across the entire application.

  5. Scalability: Components can be scaled up or down as needed, allowing for the application to grow and evolve over time without sacrificing performance or maintainability.

Home & Settings Screens

Concepts are an important part of UX design as they allow us to explore and experiment with ideas before diving into the details. Through research and ideation, I strive to develop concepts that are user-centric, intuitive, and visually appealing.

By starting with a solid concept, we can ensure that the resulting designs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also effective in meeting the needs of the user.

Updating Voicio Number

The insights page provides a high-level view of the performance of the team, focusing on the activity of analysts and progress towards specific goals. This type of page typically displays data and metrics related to the work of analysts, including the Security Viability, the types of analysis conducted, and the time spent on various tasks

Updating Business Name

Displays data and metrics related to the number of cases or tasks that each analyst is working on, as well as their capacity to take on additional work. This can include information such as the Initial Access, Execution, Persistence and Command Control. It also shows the Analyst capacity such as their accuracy or productivity. This can help managers and stakeholders identify areas of strength and weakness and inform decisions about where to allocate resources or provide additional training.

Updating Personal Details

In the Profile section, users can view and edit their personal information, including your name, email address, and contact information. Users can also upload their profile picture to help personalize their account. They can also update their password and notification preferences.

Business Hours

In the Profile section, users can view and edit their personal information, including your name, email address, and contact information. Users can also upload their profile picture to help personalize their account. They can also update their password and notification preferences.

Let me help you transform your ideas into intuitive user experiences.

Great products start by bridging the gap between ideas and user experience. I'm passionate about transforming concepts into intuitive user experiences.

Current Location:

CET (Central European Time).

Want to chat about an exciting career opportunity or project?

email: nqovun@gmail.com

© 2023 MrQ.design

Let me help you transform your ideas into intuitive user experiences.

Great products start by bridging the gap between ideas and user experience. I'm passionate about transforming concepts into intuitive user experiences.

Current Location:

CET (Central European Time).

Want to chat about an exciting career opportunity or project?

email: nqovun@gmail.com

© 2023 MrQ.design

Let me help you transform your ideas into intuitive user experiences.

Great products start by bridging the gap between ideas and user experience. I'm passionate about transforming concepts into intuitive user experiences.

Current Location:

CET (Central European Time).

Want to chat about an exciting career opportunity or project?

email: nqovun@gmail.com

© 2023 MrQ.design