Parety Platform

The all-in-one compliance and governance platform for small charities. As small charities fight for funds, their bigger battle is complex compliance. Charities are consumed by increasingly complex regulations, but the consequences of non-compliance and poor governance can be costly. 




Research, User Testing, Prototyping, UI Design


Figma, Photoshop

Onboarding process

Welcome, Confirmation question and About you

  • First name, Last name, DoB, Address & Telephone number

    About organisation

  • Registered company? Autofind via API (Companies House), Registered charity? Autofind via API (Charities Commission) & Unincorporated? 

Organisation Account

Organsation Account is created under an organisations’ legal or unincorporated name, and the user profile is assigned as the super admin. 

An Organisation Account consists of two parts

  1. Oganisation Profile: can be made publicly available

  2. Internal Dashboard: only available to those with access 

Creating Organisation Profile

  1. Check auto-filled information is correct

  2. Add additional information where possible 

Create Internal Dashboard

  1. Upload docs

  2. Setup calendar. 

  3. Connect bank account (via OB API)

  4. Undertake our compliance check for free. 

  5. Invite People. (Verify People via Identitech API). They will go through the onboarding process to create User Profiles.

  6. Run your organisation! 

Design Components

Design components are the functional factors of a user interface (UI). Components are derived from design elements that come together after the whole design thinking process. Such as color, typography, and spacing.

Let me help you transform your ideas into intuitive user experiences.

Great products start by bridging the gap between ideas and user experience. I'm passionate about transforming concepts into intuitive user experiences.

10:52 GMT+2
Johannesburg, South Africa

© 2024

Parety Platform

The all-in-one compliance and governance platform for small charities. As small charities fight for funds, their bigger battle is complex compliance. Charities are consumed by increasingly complex regulations, but the consequences of non-compliance and poor governance can be costly. 




Research, User Testing, Prototyping, UI Design


Figma, Photoshop

Onboarding process

Welcome, Confirmation question and About you

  • First name, Last name, DoB, Address & Telephone number

    About organisation

  • Registered company? Autofind via API (Companies House), Registered charity? Autofind via API (Charities Commission) & Unincorporated? 

Organisation Account

Organsation Account is created under an organisations’ legal or unincorporated name, and the user profile is assigned as the super admin. 

An Organisation Account consists of two parts

  1. Oganisation Profile: can be made publicly available

  2. Internal Dashboard: only available to those with access 

Creating Organisation Profile

  1. Check auto-filled information is correct

  2. Add additional information where possible 

Create Internal Dashboard

  1. Upload docs

  2. Setup calendar. 

  3. Connect bank account (via OB API)

  4. Undertake our compliance check for free. 

  5. Invite People. (Verify People via Identitech API). They will go through the onboarding process to create User Profiles.

  6. Run your organisation! 

Design Components

Design components are the functional factors of a user interface (UI). Components are derived from design elements that come together after the whole design thinking process. Such as color, typography, and spacing.

Let me help you transform your ideas into intuitive user experiences.

Great products start by bridging the gap between ideas and user experience. I'm passionate about transforming concepts into intuitive user experiences.

10:52 GMT+2
Johannesburg, South Africa

© 2024

Parety Platform

The all-in-one compliance and governance platform for small charities. As small charities fight for funds, their bigger battle is complex compliance. Charities are consumed by increasingly complex regulations, but the consequences of non-compliance and poor governance can be costly. 




Research, User Testing, Prototyping, UI Design


Figma, Photoshop

Onboarding process

Welcome, Confirmation question and About you

  • First name, Last name, DoB, Address & Telephone number

    About organisation

  • Registered company? Autofind via API (Companies House), Registered charity? Autofind via API (Charities Commission) & Unincorporated? 

Organisation Account

Organsation Account is created under an organisations’ legal or unincorporated name, and the user profile is assigned as the super admin. 

An Organisation Account consists of two parts

  1. Oganisation Profile: can be made publicly available

  2. Internal Dashboard: only available to those with access 

Creating Organisation Profile

  1. Check auto-filled information is correct

  2. Add additional information where possible 

Create Internal Dashboard

  1. Upload docs

  2. Setup calendar. 

  3. Connect bank account (via OB API)

  4. Undertake our compliance check for free. 

  5. Invite People. (Verify People via Identitech API). They will go through the onboarding process to create User Profiles.

  6. Run your organisation! 

Design Components

Design components are the functional factors of a user interface (UI). Components are derived from design elements that come together after the whole design thinking process. Such as color, typography, and spacing.

Let me help you transform your ideas into intuitive user experiences.

Great products start by bridging the gap between ideas and user experience. I'm passionate about transforming concepts into intuitive user experiences.

10:52 GMT+2
Johannesburg, South Africa

© 2024

Parety Platform

The all-in-one compliance and governance platform for small charities. As small charities fight for funds, their bigger battle is complex compliance. Charities are consumed by increasingly complex regulations, but the consequences of non-compliance and poor governance can be costly. 




Research, User Testing, Prototyping, UI Design


Figma, Photoshop

Onboarding process

Welcome, Confirmation question and About you

  • First name, Last name, DoB, Address & Telephone number

    About organisation

  • Registered company? Autofind via API (Companies House), Registered charity? Autofind via API (Charities Commission) & Unincorporated? 

Organisation Account

Organsation Account is created under an organisations’ legal or unincorporated name, and the user profile is assigned as the super admin. 

An Organisation Account consists of two parts

  1. Oganisation Profile: can be made publicly available

  2. Internal Dashboard: only available to those with access 

Creating Organisation Profile

  1. Check auto-filled information is correct

  2. Add additional information where possible 

Create Internal Dashboard

  1. Upload docs

  2. Setup calendar. 

  3. Connect bank account (via OB API)

  4. Undertake our compliance check for free. 

  5. Invite People. (Verify People via Identitech API). They will go through the onboarding process to create User Profiles.

  6. Run your organisation! 

Design Components

Design components are the functional factors of a user interface (UI). Components are derived from design elements that come together after the whole design thinking process. Such as color, typography, and spacing.

Let me help you transform your ideas into intuitive user experiences.

Great products start by bridging the gap between ideas and user experience. I'm passionate about transforming concepts into intuitive user experiences.

10:52 GMT+2
Johannesburg, South Africa

© 2024

Parety Platform

The all-in-one compliance and governance platform for small charities. As small charities fight for funds, their bigger battle is complex compliance. Charities are consumed by increasingly complex regulations, but the consequences of non-compliance and poor governance can be costly. 




Research, User Testing, Prototyping, UI Design


Figma, Photoshop

Onboarding process

Welcome, Confirmation question and About you

  • First name, Last name, DoB, Address & Telephone number

    About organisation

  • Registered company? Autofind via API (Companies House), Registered charity? Autofind via API (Charities Commission) & Unincorporated? 

Organisation Account

Organsation Account is created under an organisations’ legal or unincorporated name, and the user profile is assigned as the super admin. 

An Organisation Account consists of two parts

  1. Oganisation Profile: can be made publicly available

  2. Internal Dashboard: only available to those with access 

Creating Organisation Profile

  1. Check auto-filled information is correct

  2. Add additional information where possible 

Create Internal Dashboard

  1. Upload docs

  2. Setup calendar. 

  3. Connect bank account (via OB API)

  4. Undertake our compliance check for free. 

  5. Invite People. (Verify People via Identitech API). They will go through the onboarding process to create User Profiles.

  6. Run your organisation! 

Design Components

Design components are the functional factors of a user interface (UI). Components are derived from design elements that come together after the whole design thinking process. Such as color, typography, and spacing.

Let me help you transform your ideas into intuitive user experiences.

Great products start by bridging the gap between ideas and user experience. I'm passionate about transforming concepts into intuitive user experiences.

10:52 GMT+2
Johannesburg, South Africa

© 2024

Parety Platform

The all-in-one compliance and governance platform for small charities. As small charities fight for funds, their bigger battle is complex compliance. Charities are consumed by increasingly complex regulations, but the consequences of non-compliance and poor governance can be costly. 




Research, User Testing, Prototyping, UI Design


Figma, Photoshop

Onboarding process

Welcome, Confirmation question and About you

  • First name, Last name, DoB, Address & Telephone number

    About organisation

  • Registered company? Autofind via API (Companies House), Registered charity? Autofind via API (Charities Commission) & Unincorporated? 

Organisation Account

Organsation Account is created under an organisations’ legal or unincorporated name, and the user profile is assigned as the super admin. 

An Organisation Account consists of two parts

  1. Oganisation Profile: can be made publicly available

  2. Internal Dashboard: only available to those with access 

Creating Organisation Profile

  1. Check auto-filled information is correct

  2. Add additional information where possible 

Create Internal Dashboard

  1. Upload docs

  2. Setup calendar. 

  3. Connect bank account (via OB API)

  4. Undertake our compliance check for free. 

  5. Invite People. (Verify People via Identitech API). They will go through the onboarding process to create User Profiles.

  6. Run your organisation! 

Design Components

Design components are the functional factors of a user interface (UI). Components are derived from design elements that come together after the whole design thinking process. Such as color, typography, and spacing.

Let me help you transform your ideas into intuitive user experiences.

Great products start by bridging the gap between ideas and user experience. I'm passionate about transforming concepts into intuitive user experiences.

10:52 GMT+2
Johannesburg, South Africa

© 2024